Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter / 35 Week Belly Shots

I remember back in August when we found out we were pregnant I figured out which holiday I was going to be the biggest at. I had seen women who painted their bellys to look like pumpkins, Christmas ornament, etc well for us our holiday was Easter. So on Easter night we painted my belly to look like an Easter egg. After we had started I remembered that I was wanting to do our 35 week belly shots that night....OOPS!
Here is the start of the whole process. The feeling of the marker sure did get annoying!

Then Matthew decided it would be easier if I were to stand...that lasted about 5 minutes!

We were over at his parents house so they got in on the action :)

His dad was waiting very patiently for his turn.

Definately glad that I decided to shave my armpits that morning HA

Side view of the "egg"

Close up!

Notice the nice spray tan my mom bought me so I would look pretty/feel on Easter. She also gave me my yearly haircut...THANKS MOM!!!!

This is all of the egg I can see without using a mirror!

I think Matthew has a calling is belly painting!

Jessica got there right in time to get her picture taken with our little Easter egg!

It is really hard to believe that next year we will be hiding Easter eggs for Keegan to find! The reality of everything is starting to set it. We have an appointment on the 12th for the dr to do an ultrasound to check out how big Keegan is then we go back on the 14th for our weekly check up. They will check that day to see if we are dialated any. Fingers crossed that we are...there isn't anymore room in the belly for this kid! They say once he drops down a little I will be more comfortable. I can't wait for that day.

Matthew informed me today that he will be traveling last week of April(not to thrilled about this) Hopefully Keegan will either come in the next 2 weeks or wait until May. Either way we are ready!!

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious! I've never heard of this... and I guarantee you as soon as I forward this to Becky she'll already start getting red, white and blue markers for 4th of July. I'm so excited for y'all!! This is crazy...
